
Welcome to EagleSoft Labs!

Welcome to my new blog, EagleSoft Labs! Some of you may know me as "Tamkis", the owner of EagleSoft Ltd and from my YouTube channel, MrTamk1s. I am currently attending Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA, in order to pursue a B.S. in software engineering as a transfer student :) . Over the years, I have created dozens of unique software for various computers and devices, including PC, the Ti-83/84 graphing calculators, the Sega Genesis and Sega CD, and others. I am currently trying to expand to other platforms. This new blog aims to be the "sister site" of EagleSoft Limited, where I will regularly post progress on my software development. I will also be reviewing software and posting other interesting, useful PC information. I will also be regularly posting about retro video gaming pickups, computer programming tips, retro video gaming stuff, and perhaps life at Robert Morris University.

As this blog is quite new, and as I am new at using the Blogger platform, please allow me some time to solidify topics, content, and organization of the blog. Be sure to come back when I have more content, and to subscribe as a follower of this blog. I could really use comments and some kind of "audience", so at least I do not feel like I am wasting my time blogging in a void...
