
Ultra Air Hockey v1.1 Android port, now on Google Play!

UAHDX v1.1 Android Port,
now published on Google Play!

   Ultra Air Hockey DX (UAHDX) has been updated to v1.1, as well as an initial release of a new Android Port, both as a side-loadable app, and as an officially signed app at the Google Play Store! Due to lack of full-version purchases for the PC version (read: none!), the demo and full-versions of the game have been merged into a single, full, freeware version! It is strongly encouraged to give a donation of any amount to EagleSoft Ltd for future developments and motivation :).



EagleSoft Ltd: Now on Facebook!

EagleSoft Ltd:
Now on FaceBook!

   Yep, you read the title correctly! EagleSoft Ltd now has a FaceBook page to further inform and to keep customers in the loop of current events with the indie dev group. The page will be used to relay blog information, and to give the latest news about the group. "Like" us today and share!


UAH (Sega, Redux) Progress: Paddle Movement

Ultra Air Hockey (Sega, Redux)
Paddle movement!

      After days of arduous experimentation, debugging, SGDK discovery, forum chats, and sweat, managed to get some more progress done on the redux of the Ultra Air Hockey Sega ports with SGDK. Managed to implement the following:

  • Implemented flying eagle sprite for intro FMV
  • Added game initialization code
  • Added paddle movement
    • A-button to change speed within current speed set
    • 8-directions of movement 
  • Implemented British announcer guy
  • Added HUD
    • Displays scores
  • Added Debug stats and features
    • Display of FPS
    • Display of free memory
    • Paddle stats
      • x and y coordinates
      • dx and dy values (change in x and y)
      • velocity value, current speed index, angle
    • Announcer guy test
      • X button to speak score
      • Y button to increase blue paddle's score
      • Z button to increase red paddle's score
Below is a video showing off
the improvement and progress so far

   Although there are a lot of bugs at the moment and features coded in but not tested nor utilized yet, progress is going smoothly. Paddle movement runs consistently between a smooth 50 to 60 FPS. A few coding hiccups occurred with sprite management and with paddle movement, but most of them have been ironed out. Next development milestone and preview should have collision detection (and bug fixes) :)!