
Knuckles' Clackers: Project and v0.1a demo release

Knuckles' Clackers: Project and v0.1a demo release

    Since Fall of 2019, EagleSoft Ltd has been working on a Knuckles Chaotix ROM hack for the Sega 32x addon privately called Knuckles' Clackers. Other than a few minor ROM hacks and one with a custom engine based on Chaotix (Sonic 4: Cybernetic Outbreak), Knuckles' Chaotix has had very few major hacks made for it. Although disassemblies of the game's code exist (M68k, SH-2, Z80 code), they are IDA Pro databases used for reference, not fully documented, and are not a split disassembly that can be rebuilt. Some research about how this game works has had information spread out throughout the internet, and isn't well documented or had most of its information consolidated into one place.
    Knuckles' Clackers aims to be one of the 1st fully-fledged Chaotix ROM hacks. During development, I am further documenting, annotating, and simplifying the old IDA disassemblies of the game's code for research. Development is currently being done using SonED2 and extended ROMulan scripts to modify game data and code.
    The ROM hack features some ports of Sonic Crackers beta zones (Techno Tower, Speed Slider), new SMPS32x music, new Sega 32x sprite artwork, restored beta content, and many other features.

Summary of features:
  • New levels
    • Ports and edits of beta Techno Tower and Speed Slider Zones layouts and assets from Sonic Crackers
    • New zones
  • New music
  • New artwork
    • Genesis tilemaps, sprites
    • 32x sprite artwork
    • Genesis/32x palettes and palette cycling
    • Genesis animated level art
  • Assembly code edits where possible/necessary
  • Some restored/recreated Chaotix beta content

    An early v0.1 demo of Knuckles' Clackers has been released for the Sega 32x, as part of 2021's BitBridge Halloween Showcase. Available here as an IPS patch.
    It features acts 1-3 of Techno Tower Zone Classic, new SMPS32x music, and art edits.

    Stay tuned for more Chaotix research and Knuckles Clackers' development

    - GenesisDoes


EagleSoft Ltd. v2.0 Soft-Launch!

EagleSoft Ltd. v2.0a Soft-Launch!

    For those unaware of recent events within the tech industry and Google, in August 2020, Google announced that all Google Sites websites would be required to transition to their New Google Sites system by September 1st, 2021. Prior to this, in 2016 an updated Google Sites experience was deployed, and an announcement in 2017 was sent out that the previous 2016 Google Sites system (now referred to as "Classic Google Sites") would be replaced soon. In August 2020, details on the transition to New Google Sites was released. Full details below in the email screenshot.

   EagleSoft Ltd. is a Google Sites website with a custom URL. This blog (EagleSoft Labs) in turn is a Blogger blog, with a subdomain of "blog" nested under the primary domain. EagleSoft Ltd. is a Google Sites website; therefore, it was required to migrate it to the New Google Sites system.

A wave of migrating crows Classic Google Sites websites for the Fall

    Although I had a year's worth of notice about the transition deadline, in typical Engineering fashion, I procrastinated until 2 weeks before the Sept 1st 2021 deadline to do the migration 😐. The 1st week was just a single day of auto-converting the website to the New Google Sites system, followed by some more procrastination and finally tweaking and editing around the new website in the web builder interface a week before.

     Apparently the New Google Sites system is too simple, too concise, too barebones, and is more tailored to say, Bloggers creating simple websites, not beautiful ones like the old EagleSoft Ltd v1.0 site was. The New Google Sites system lacks some of the great features that Classic Sites did, and is too barebones for power users such as myself. Armed with the knowledge about the New Google Sites regressions from some colleagues, I quickly plowed through a few late nights of work fixing up and reformatting the site to work in time before the deadline.


Thwimp v1.2.0.1 update!

Thwimp v1.2.0.1 Update!

    Almost a year since the v1.2 release, Thwimp, the modification utility which allows one to view, to rip, and to encode Nintendo THP video files from/for Mario Kart Wii, has been updated to v1.2.0.1 today!
    This is a minor update to the original v1.2 build with internal code changes and bugfixes. It contains some bugfixes for some application-breaking issues related to parsing and displaying of Single datatypes on foreign machines within the application.  
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed various cultural issues that would cause the application to break when processing THP videos and to display wrongly formatted data on foreign machines
  • Enforced invariant culture for the bugfixes to parse and to display Single datatype values properly
  • Added more input validation within the THP Viewer/Ripper sections
  • Fixed a coding typo of handling the video end frame value as a Single datatype instead of as a UShort in the THP Viewer/Ripper section 


  • Added a notification MsgBox on successful save of the application's log file 
  • Updated default "Elevator Music" (song.wav) include with application to final version of Mario Kart Wii Menu SMPS32x song from my own WIP Knuckles Clackers game mod
  • Updated copyright date to ©2021
    • GNU FOSS license of source code
    • Manual
    • Application build data

New Elevator Music song

   Download and full changelog available on the releases page

