
Summer rennovations

Well, it is finally here: Summer 2014! 
Finally, with a lot of leisure time available and very little university/real life responsibilities to deal with (other than one uni class and a part-time job), I need to renovate EagleSoft Ltd, and, eventually, its corresponding blog (EagleSoft Labs).
Why? For the following reasons:
  • I am going Indie, and EagleSoft Ltd, & EagleSoft Labs need to look simple, yet professional! (Something along the lines of spaddlewit.com)
  • I need to get out of the hobbyist mental attitude, and begin gaining professional experience for personal/future employment reasons.
  • Planning for Android development, especially for porting Ultra Air Hockey!
A few university friends and I are working on creating a newer, professional, brand image for Eaglesoft Ltd. Renovations may be complete by the end of June. Sorry for the inconvenience; however, I hope you will return once the changes are finished! Thank you.
-EagleSoft Ltd founder,

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