
Unity 3D project confirmed: Ultra Air Hockey DX!

Unity 3D Project confirmed:
Ultra Air Hockey DX!

   As part of a university project for Fundamentals of Software Engineering, a classmate ("Josh") and I are working on a Unity3D video game project. As part of the assignment, we needed to come up with 3 ideas of a software engineering project, as detailed in a previous blog post, for which the Prof. would select one of those projects for us to do. 

Our professor, Dr. A, decided to pick Ultra Air Hockey DX!
So we are going to develop it!

    Ultra Air Hockey DX is ultimate edition of Ultra Air Hockey, written in Unity3D, multiplatform, and multiplayer. This new edition contains 6 more powerups, 3 modes (Air Hockey, Pinball, and 4P Battle Mode), more music, more sfx, and more action! Full details can be found on the dedicated UAHDX page on my website.

   More news as Josh and I develop the game!

Anthony K
-Owner/Founder/Lead Programmer of EagleSoft Ltd

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