Demo #3 preview of Sonic CD Breakout

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No, it is not dead yet; Sonic CD Breakout is still in development!
   The previous demo release of this fangame, Sonic CD Breakout, occurred almost half a year ago during the Christmas 2013 season. (If you have never heard about my fangame, go check it out here.) Due to real-life responsibilties (including university life, a job, professional development as a future software engineer/video game designer, and other things), development has slowed with Sonic CD Breakout. However, development has not halted altogether!
   Sporadically, within the past half year, I have been worked on optimizing the game, and have been working on 2 new rounds: Desert Dazzle Zone (DDZ), and Quartz Quadrant Zone (QQZ). The former is a fan implementation of a scraped level from the 2011 remake of Sonic CD, which was supposed to replace the scrapped Round 2 level from the original 1993 Sega CD version of Sonic CD. In the fangame, I used some fan art from others to make fan created past, good future, and bad future versions of DDZ. The past timezone is based upon an island level, the present based upon Dust Hill Zone from Sonic 2 Beta, the bad future timezone based upon a railroad zone, and the good future based upon an osasis zone. Enemies and the boss from the Desert Dazzle Zone are used in the levels too. (People with fanart to be properly credited in the Demo #3 release)
Past timezone artwork source
(From a Sonic hack)
Present timezone artwork source
(From Esrael's Sonic 2 Delta hacks,
based on scrapped Dust Hill Zone from Sonic 2 Beta)

Bad Future timezone artwork source
(Sunset Park Zone 16-bit remake art)
Good Future timezone artwork source
Enemies and Boss

   The latter is a standard Sonic CD Level, and futures most of the enemies and gimmicks from the original zone.
   Also in development are a fan recreation of the Sonic CD Beta Special Stages, which appear to be based upon the Sonic 1 Special stage concept, with layers that can be traversed, similar to the Knuckles Chaotix bonus stage levels. I designed the special stage levels to be like stationary Sonic 1 special stages (even some of its ripped art), but with bricks that let the player go up or down a layer.

  Currently, only the 1st acts of DDZ and QQZ are created, and only a training special stage level is made (for the Training Zone). These levels can be seen in action in the video below. I plan on releasing what I have as Demo #3 for Act 2 of the Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE) 2014.


Stay tuned for more development previews for Sonic CD Breakout summer 2014!
(aka Anthony)


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