More Site Updates
Over last August (August 2014), I made some minor updates to the EagleSoft Ltd website:
- Added 2 new site sections
- Shop
- Will be a shopping page, in order to purchase video game projects that I will be publishing in the near future :)
- Under-construction!
- Unity3D
- Added a section for future Unity3D Projects
- For a Unity 3D project I am working on, and others
- Under-construction!
- Added 1 new page
- Softography & DLs
- Page shows all projects that are on the site, in one, easy spot
- Shows platforms, title, current version, last release date, DLs, and supplemental items
- Added more material
- Ultra Air Hockey (PC)
- Added pictures for
- Pause screen
- Credits screen
- Multipuck powerup
- Night powerup
- Ultra Air Hockey (Sega)
- Added pictures for
- Difficulties
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Pause screen
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